A multidisciplinary team, with more than 40 years’ experience at your service

Law degree from the University of Liège
Member of the Liège Bar since 1981
Deputy Justice of the Peace in the Canton of Saint-Nicolas from 1989 to 2017
Lecturer at the Institut Transport routier et Logistique Belgique (Institute of Road Transport and Logistics Belgium)
Certified by the Liège Bar Association as a Specialist in Transport Law
Holder of the training certificate referred to in Article 425 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cassation in criminal matters)
Arbitrator certified by the Council of the Euregio Arbitration Centre
Member of the Liège Bar since 1981
Deputy Justice of the Peace in the Canton of Saint-Nicolas from 1989 to 2017
Lecturer at the Institut Transport routier et Logistique Belgique (Institute of Road Transport and Logistics Belgium)
Certified by the Liège Bar Association as a Specialist in Transport Law
Holder of the training certificate referred to in Article 425 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cassation in criminal matters)
Arbitrator certified by the Council of the Euregio Arbitration Centre
Working languages: French and Dutch

Master of laws from the University of Liège
Member of the Liège Bar since 2019
President of the Conférence Libre du Jeune Barreau de Liège (Free Conference of the Young Bar Association of Liège, 2023-2024)
Administrator of the Conférence Internationale des Barreaux de Tradition Juridique Commune (Conference of International Bar Association of Common Legal Tradition, 2023-2026).
Lecturer at the IFAPME (business creation and legislation, 2022-2024)
Secretary of the Environmental Commission of the Liège Bar Association.
Member of the Sustainable Development comission of avocats.be
Working languages : French and English
Member of the Liège Bar since 2019
President of the Conférence Libre du Jeune Barreau de Liège (Free Conference of the Young Bar Association of Liège, 2023-2024)
Administrator of the Conférence Internationale des Barreaux de Tradition Juridique Commune (Conference of International Bar Association of Common Legal Tradition, 2023-2026).
Lecturer at the IFAPME (business creation and legislation, 2022-2024)
Secretary of the Environmental Commission of the Liège Bar Association.
Member of the Sustainable Development comission of avocats.be
Working languages : French and English
Knowledge of : Spanish
Publication :
- Adam, L., « Extension de l'aéroport de Heathrow : la cour d'appel de Londres déclare la procédure de planification illégale », J.L.M.B., 2020/22, p. 1041-1045.
- Adam, L., « De la contestation du prolongement des centrales nucléaires à l'opposition au démantèlement de celles-ci : un subtil jeu d'échecs », J.L.M.B., 2023/33, p. 1474-1479.

Law degree from the University of Liège
Lawyer since 2003, registered with both the Verviers Bar and the Eupen Bar
Certified by the Federal Mediation Commission as a mediator in family, civil, and commercial matters
Registered on the list of administrators appointed by the Commercial Court of Eupen
Former member of the Council of the Bar of VerviersWorking languages : French and Dutch
Lawyer since 2003, registered with both the Verviers Bar and the Eupen Bar
Certified by the Federal Mediation Commission as a mediator in family, civil, and commercial matters
Registered on the list of administrators appointed by the Commercial Court of Eupen
Former member of the Council of the Bar of VerviersWorking languages : French and Dutch

Law degree from the University of Liège
Member of the Liège Bar since 2003
Holder of the training certificate referred to in Article 425 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cassation in criminal matters)Up to 2018, lecturer at IFAPME (Walloon Institute for Vocational Training) in the civil-law course (property law, rights of the individual, and special contracts)
Member of the Liège Bar since 2003
Holder of the training certificate referred to in Article 425 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cassation in criminal matters)Up to 2018, lecturer at IFAPME (Walloon Institute for Vocational Training) in the civil-law course (property law, rights of the individual, and special contracts)
Working languages : French, Dutch, and Italian

Law degree from the University of Liège
Member of the Liège Bar since 1981
Main areas of practice: personal injury, civil liability, and road-transport law
Member of the Liège Bar since 1981
Main areas of practice: personal injury, civil liability, and road-transport law

Member of the Liège Bar
Main areas of practice: personal injury and civil liability, road-transport law, insurance law, and family and divorce law
Assigned counsel in matters of property administration
Main areas of practice: personal injury and civil liability, road-transport law, insurance law, and family and divorce law
Assigned counsel in matters of property administration